I always had a love for animals, the metaphysical field, energy work, and nature. My awareness increased when I had my first Reiki treatment. It made such an impact on my life, that I wanted to make a difference, and my calling to work with animals grew stronger. As my journey continued to unfold, I took formal classes to deepen my understanding of Reiki and its connection to the animal world. Today, my mission and passion is to share Reiki with your animal companions to promote a loving balance of well-being!
My pet family and teachers:
Coco: was our 30 year old baby boy who loved to keep us on our toes. He was adopted when I was in grade school. I learned everything about compassion, laughter, and love from Coco. Some may think that birds don't have personalities, and I'm here to tell you Coco had quite a personality. He even had a sense of humor! If he thought something was funny, he'd make a clicking, laughing noise and smile! He made sure Valentine was well taken care of by dropping some of his treats down to her below. It was quite a sight to see how those two worked together. Adopting Coco at a young age has taught me dedication, responsibility, and pure friendship. He was with me through everything and one of my first pet companions. I will forever love him to pieces.
Valentine: was our 18 year old little lady who loved her snuggle time. She came into our lives when I was volunteering at a local animal shelter. She was so small, yet her eyes spoke to me behind the kennel bars. It was a snowy February day and her first in the shelter. No sooner than I opened the door and sit down to greet her, she jumped in my lap and has been there ever since. While my husband was uncertain about our new family member at first, she melted his heart and mine each day with her sweet & spicy attitude and zest for life. Valentine taught us how to make positive vision and hearing accommodations that were just right for her. We will always love our Valentine to pieces.
Juniper: our sweet boy who jumped into our lives when we least expected it. He came at a time when our hearts were broken, trying to heal from Coco. Juniper was rescued outdoors by a loving family a few towns over. He was referred to me because of my love and care of birds, especially cockatiels. Hesitant to bring a new soul into our home such a short time after our Coco passed, I'm so glad we opened our door and hearts to Juniper. He has been a constant joy. He's gentle-natured, snuggly, full of surprises, and loves to sing and chew! Though we don't know his past, we do know that he's here to stay and we love him so much!
Rocky: our play baby who loves his walks in the neighborhood and catching tennis balls. We adopted him from our local Humane Society, the same place where we adopted our Valentine. He was so scared, unsure of anything and everyone, and terrified to be left alone. Rocky continues to make giant strides forward. He now loves car rides, hikes in the preserves, warms up to people a lot faster, and reminds me to always make time for play! It was so hard adopting another dog after our Vally, but we are so thankful for him in our lives. We absolutely adore him and know he was meant to be in our family!